Author: bfkadmin

Parents put away the flashcards; your child’s social skills are more important than academics!

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5 Strategies to help your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder develop Social Skills

5 strategies to help your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder develop Social Skills Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) take longer than other children to learn social skills. You can use strategies like role-play, story books and even discussing scenario’s on video, DVD’s or TV to help your child learn the skills he needs to…
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8 signs my Child may have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

There are 3 key features of ADHD: Inattention, Hyperactivity and Impulsivity. Here are 8 signs your child may have ADHD. Untreated ADHD can cause a lifetime of problems for a child particularly in relation to school-ability, learning and relationships. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder (i.e. a brain-based problem) that is on the rise in Australia.…
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Why is it important for my child to have healthy Brain Balance?

Why is it important for my child to have healthy Brain Balance? The human brain is born with 2 sides or “hemispheres’. These hemispheres have very different functions and roles to play in our moving, thinking and social connection to the world. It is vital that these two hemispheres communicate effectively with each other as a…
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